Miami New Times released its BEST OF list for 2011 and if ever there was a category created to recognize Manor Bowl it was this one – Best Reason To Go To Broward. Having been to a few of the nightclub lanes in Miami myself I totally agree. I am very happy to live in Broward County and bowl in leagues and for fun at Manor Lanes!
An emblematically obese owner of an awesomely rustic bowling alley in Cleveland, Ohio, once told us: “A true bowler will not go to a martini bar.” He was referring to the yuppie ten-pin establishments that have been popping up in cities all over the country, where the lanes are impossibly glossy, the lights are strobing, and some rapper with Lil before his name is droning over heavy bass. Listen, that’s not America. That’s not even bowling. It’s some bastardized farce of the sport that Rush Limbaugh will be forced to play in Hell. We miss that solemn, old, oak-laned Cleveland temple to the converted 7-10 split. And here in Miami-Dade, the martini bars posing as bowling alleys outnumber the real thing by a count of, oh, six to one. No slight to Coral Gables’ Bird Bowl, a fabulous place, but it’s often overrun by teenagers, with their cell phones and their hair and their dastardly chewing gum. It’s enough to make a true bowler sojourn a county north to Manor Lanes Bowling Center, where the lanes aren’t too waxed, domestic brew comes $8.50 a pitcher, and — we aren’t nearly cruel enough to make this up — on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, unlimited bowling costs $10. Until 2 a.m. There’s no catch. Welcome to America.
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